
  1. AndyB - Media contest - Xenforo 2

    Addon 2x AndyB - Media contest - Xenforo 2

    Description: Allows creating media contests. Members can submit a video, audio or text to the media contest thread you create. Any member can then use reactions to vote for their favorite media. Reaction totals along with each post avatar will show at the top of the thread. Features: Shows...
  2. AndyB - User upgrade direct message - Xenforo 2

    Addon 2x AndyB - User upgrade direct message - Xenforo 2

    Description: Sends a direct message when a user upgrades their account. Features: Allows up to eight individual user upgrade phrases. All phrases start with userupgradedirectmessage_ for your convenience. Setup: Go to the following location to get the user upgrade ID: Admin control panel ->...
  3. AndyB - Similar Resources - Xenforo 2

    Addon 2x AndyB - Similar Resources - Xenforo 2

    Shows a list of similar resources when a user is viewing a xenforo 2 resource.
  4. AndyB - Paid registrations - Xenforo 2

    Addon 2x AndyB - Paid registrations - Xenforo 2

    Description: Allows account upgrade before registering. Once the payment has been made the user is asked to register. Features: Supports Stripe payment profile. Supports Permanent, For length and Recurring payment options. All phrases start with paidregistrations_ for your convenience. Setup...
  5. AndyB - Show location - Xenforo 2

    Addon 2x AndyB - Show location - Xenforo 2

    Description: Shows members 'Location' information. This add-on allows the admin to easily locate spam and other inappropriate Location information. Features: All phrases start with showlocation_ for your convenience. How to use: Add 'showlocation' to your forum URL. Questions and answers: Q...
  6. AndyB - Delete profile banners all - Xenforo 2

    Addon 2x AndyB - Delete profile banners all - Xenforo 2

    Description: Deletes all profile banners. Features: All phrases start with deleteprofilebannersall_ for your convenience. How to use: Add 'deleteprofilebannersall' after your forum URL. Click the link to delete profile banners. Questions and Answers: Q: Who can run this add-on? A: Only admins...