
  1. FileBird - WordPress Media Library Folders

    WP Plugins FileBird - WordPress Media Library Folders

    Developing a site means that you’ll be adding tons of new media files such as images, videos, audios, PDF, txt, docx, .ect into your site database day by day. As a result, your site will have to store thousands of files. In the default WordPress media database, you are not able to arrange files...
  2. WordPress Real Physical Media: Physical Media Folders & SEO Rewrites

    WP Plugins WordPress Real Physical Media: Physical Media Folders & SEO Rewrites

    Real Physical Media comes with a lot of features to physically manage your uploaded media. For this plugin we have focused on a high-performance solution that can most effectively improve your ranking in search engines. Physically restructures all uploads in your WordPress media library using...
  3. Brivium - View Full Media Permission

    Addon 1x Brivium - View Full Media Permission

    With the new forum/site, reaching the number of members is very important, and it asks for the finesse of the seeding art. To do it easier in some cases, we create this add-on to fulfill that require. By allowing a specific usergroups to see the Media, new users or visitors must register before...