
  1. WP User Frontend Pro - Ultimate Frontend Solution For WordPress

    WP Plugins WP User Frontend Pro - Ultimate Frontend Solution For WordPress

    The Ultimate Frontend Solution to WordPress Let your users manage everything from Frontend! Effortlessly build Registration Forms, Profiles, WooCommerce Products, Subscriptions & Contact Forms with Custom Post Types support. Easily create amazing directory & membership sites, event registration...
  2. Prohibit reactions in certain forums and/or for specific user groups

    Prohibit reactions in certain forums and/or for specific user groups

    Compatibility with XenForo: 2.1 Prohibit reactions in certain forums and/or for specific user groups. Edit Template: post_macros Find near Line: 138 -> <xf:contentcheck> after <xf:contentcheck> and before insert: under the following line of code insert: After you have saved this, the...