AndyB Link check

Addon 2x AndyB Link check

Addon 2x

Verifies links in posts are valid and reports any which return HTTP status code 404

Compatible XF Versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
Visible Branding: No


Verifies links in posts are valid and will email admin if HTTP status code 404 is found. Email are sent daily by Cron entry.
The purpose of the Link check add-on is fix recently added links to posts to ensure they are valid links. If not the admin can fix these links which help make threads remain active.

(Example of email)
AndyB Link check 18-1.webp

(Example of Options page)
AndyB Link check 18-2.webp

  • All phrases start with linkcheck_ for your convenience.
Questions and Answers:
Q: How often does the Cron entry run?
A: Once a day at 16:00 UTC.
Q: Are links checked in other areas of the forum?
A: No. Links are only checked in post messages.
Q: Will this also check image links?
A: No. Only links using the BB Code are checked. Q: Are false ...HP max_execution_time to at least 90 seconds.

