Aurora (7 colors now!) -

Aurora (7 colors now!) -


Aurora Theme Install Instructions

1. Upload the contents of the upload directory into the styles folder located in the root of your XenForo installation.

2. Go into your XenForo Admin Control Panel, click on Styles, and then click on "Import a Style" in the left-hand navigation list.

3. Click on the "Choose File" button and select the style-Aurora.xml file (this is the main theme/PARENT file).


Ver. and Up

After you install the main Aurora theme (style-Aurora.xml) you must install the following themes as child themes:

Aurora Fluid
Aurora Blue

If you would like to install Aurora Blue Fluid please note that it must be installed as a child theme to Aurora Blue!
Aurora Gray Fluid must be installed as a child theme of Aurora Gray.
Aurora Green Fluid must be installed as a child theme of Aurora Green.
... you get the picture!


Prior Ver.

To install any of the child themes (like Aurora Fluid) use ONLY step 2 and 3 above and select the theme from the child_themes folder.

Please make sure you specify Aurora as the PARENT theme!



- Child themes are localed in the child_themes folder.

- For the child themes YOU DO NOT need anything else other than the child theme xml files all images are already packed in the upload

Enjoy Aurora!

