
Addon 2x Banner

Addon 2x

A banner management system

Compatible XF Versions: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
Visible Branding: No


Banner management system.
Displays banners in your header, forum list, forum view and thread view and widget. The Banner add-on is designed to serve self hosted images.

(Example of banners displayed in the forum list)
Banner 23-1.webp

(Example of Banner admin link in visitors tab)
Banner 23-2.webp

(Example of Banner admin page)
Banner 23-3.webp

(Example of Options page)
Banner 23-4.webp

(Example of User group permissions)
Banner 23-5.webp

  • Banners can be displayed in 8 different locations in the Banner admin page.
  • The number of banners per location can be set in the Banner options page.
  • Which user group sees banners can be set in the User group permissions.
  • Banners can be disabled in mobile view in the banner.less template.
  • Banners are displayed in random order, each page reload displays a new set of banners.
  • Multiple header banners have the option to display in 'random' or 'name' order.
  • All phrases start with banner_ for your convenience.
How to use:
  1. In the Admin Control Panel, set User group permissions.
  2. In the banner options page, set the number of banners to show for each location.
  3. In the Visitor tab, click the Banner admin link.
  4. Click the Add link.
  5. Fill out the information and save.
Widget setup:
To add a banner widget in the sidebar do the following:
Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
Add widget
Select Banner and Add widget
Enter the following:
Widget key = banner
Title = {leave blank}
Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar

Questions and Answers:
Q: What is a good dimension for banner images?
A: I suggest 375 x 60.

Database modification:
This add-on will add a table called xf_andy_banner to your database.

