Brivium - Download All Attachments - Xenforo 1

Addon 1x Brivium - Download All Attachments - Xenforo 1

Compatible XF Versions: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

You want to download all of the attachments from your forum/site instead of a single one? You want your members could save time in downloading all files at a time instead of downloading every files and spend much time in that? Brivium offers you an option for that. You can buy and install our add-on "Download all attachments".

This add-on allows you to grant permissions to users/usergroups allowing them to download all attachments of posts or conversation posts or resource updates. You can freely download all at once time without any hesitations or any interruptions. It’s useful for a thread or post which members want to share their files, such as documents, photos,… in separately.

- Ability to set name for download file with {board_title}, {thread}, {post_id} variables.
- Permission can download all attachments for specific user/usergroup.




