Creating custom prefix styling

Creating custom prefix styling



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Creating custom styling using the Other, using custom CSS class name option is fairly straightforward​

Compatibility with XenForo: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Visible branding: No


By default, XF comes with the following prefix styles:

Creating custom styling using the Other, using custom CSS class name option is fairly straightforward.

This guide will explain how to.

The easiest way by far to add new prefix styling and to ensure it inherits all of the core styling is to edit the core_labels.less template.

Look for the section in the template highlighted in the screenshot below:

Then just add your custom entries after the error entry and before the closing }, as follows:

I recommend using a name which won't cause any potential conflicts with the core code, or third party add-ons.
I prefix (prefix, geddit?) all of my custom entries with the acronym for my site -- cta -- and also like to give it a descriptive name, so in this case I have used ctaAnnouncement, as the prefix is for staff posted announcement threads.

The two values/colours (yes, that is the only correct spelling in English) in the curly brackets denote the text colour, in this case white, and the background colour, in this case #ff8800.

XF will then automagically (real word) generate the border and hover colours based on those values using the core CSS.

Finally, create the prefix:


That's it if you just want vanilla styled prefixes.


However, if you want to go one step further and add icons, images, or other embellishments (who doesn't like sparkly text?), that's also quite simple.

For that you will add your custom code to the extra.less template.

In this example I'm going to add a Font Awesome icon in front of the text.
The code for that is highlighted in the screenshot below - ensure the class name, in this case ctaAnnouncement, matches what you entered in the core_labels.less template.

The Font Awesome code, in my example -- bullhorn -- can be found here: Find Icons with the Perfect Look & Feel | Font Awesome
