
Addon 2x [cXF] Horizontal message user info - Xenforo 2

Addon 2x
[cXF] Horizontal message user info - Xenforo 2.webp

Show message user info (postbit) in horizontal view in thread view and conversation view with some extra features. It is style based so you can easily disable the horizontal view for certain styles, but you can also enable user option control in account preferences with permissions.

  • enable/disable horizontal postbit per style
  • user option with check-box in account preferences (set permission); by default it is enabled so admin decide whether to have it by style only, or by style and user option controled
  • show message user info in horizontal view on thread view and conversation view
  • option to show user extras only on hover, after clicking a dropdown icon or always visible (separate option for vertical view)
  • option to change the icon and its color
  • option to wrap post content around the avatar
  • show message user info in horizontal view on thread view or in conversation view
  • option to show user extras only on hover, after clicking a dropdown icon or always visible
  • option to change the dropdown icon and its color
  • option to wrap post content around the avatar
  • option to change postbit avatar size (large, medium, small, extra small)
  • options for postbit avatar online indicator: change icon, change icon color or background, set icon position (by setting the margin-left and bottom you can position it anywhere)
  • option show avatar offline indicator and edit icon name, color, background and Offline phrase (edit phrase cxf_offline)
  • mobile view is not affected
[cXF] Horizontal message user info - Xenforo 2-2.webp

