Esthetic Extended BB-Codes

Addon 1x Esthetic Extended BB-Codes

News for version 1.0.2 and higher

1. Requirements
2. Installation instructions
3. Setting supplement
4. Description Code
1. Requirements The current version of the add-ons to work properly requires version 1.3.0 XenForo not lower.

2.Installation Guide
- Copy the contents of the archive to a temporary directory.
-Copy the contents of the folder ./upload the folder containing the scripts XenForo on your hosting. For example: /var/www/
- Open the Control Panel Forum on route Home -> Install a new addition .
- Select the installation file from the temporary directory.
- Click on " Install addition "and wait for the installation.

3. Setting supplement Supplement ready for use immediately after installation. The board administrator can allow you to view the contents of any type of BB-codes "hide" certain groups of users. To manage the rights of groups, go to the Control Panel on the route:Users -> Add -> User group permissions .

