MicroSupport Commercial Unlimited

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MicroSupport Commercial Unlimited

Microsupport is a ticket and live support system.
Members will be able to get downloads FAQs and much more from this system.
Lifetime Owned License with 12 months Support and Upgrades.

my youtube video channel click here

This has been tested on 1.2 ( beta 1 2 and 3 ) and working as it does in version 1.1

The main index.php file is ioncube encoded
The main index.php file is ioncube encoded
There are no other options for this unless you upgrade or buy the unlimited version that is un-encoded.

functions list

User Side

Submit ticket
My tickets
Admin drop down menu
FAQ's System with categories
Re-defined answers to add to tickets if need be.
Live chat system
Downloads area

Admin Controls
License Options
List FAQ Categories
Add FAQ Category
List Departments
Add Department
List Products
Add Products
List Ticket Status
List Ticket Extra Fields
Add Ticket Extra Field
List File Downloads
Add Download
List System Messages
List Chat Backgrounds
Archive Options

