[oxy] News Portal

Addon 1x [oxy] News Portal

Masonry style presentation of threads drawn from specific forums

Client Side Demo (XF Default style):
Live Demo (may contain style adjustments):

Now this is not a full featured article system with thread promotion options or article views. I may implement that later on, but I really just like extending a forum and not becoming something entirely outside it. So when a user clicks a "news" item then they will be taken to the discussion on the forum and not an article view or some other thing. IE this is just a fancy way to display recent news or content. Now enough of what it is not and here is what it is.

What it does?
  • Displays recent news or content from forum(s) you select
  • Infinite scroll [Pagination option coming soon]
  • Optionally Displays
    • Author Avatar
    • Date and Time
    • Content Text Snippet
    • Prefix
    • First attached image
    • Likes
    • Replies
    • Views
    • Ad locations
  • Easy style adjusting through style properties so you can fit it to each style you own
  • Admin option to display the news by date, replies, or likes

What it will do?
(Future updates that may not available right now)
  • Exclude specific threads or threads created by specific authors
  • Client side -Sort by category (either prefix, forum, or admin created category)
  • Client side -Sort by Author
  • "Read More" option like in recent activity - instead of pages or infinite scroll
  • Add 3rd party features such as hashtags, ratings, and more
  • Style variations *not everyone loves a generic masonry or a plain article box*
  • 4 styles are already in development but on hold to finish main features
  • Sharing options

What I plan on doing?
(Not started, but will after the planned updates are complete)
  • Category management (add categories or allow prefixes/forums to be 'categories')
  • Full Article in overlay
  • Allow admin/mod to select image displayed (original defaults to first image)
  • Detect videos/audio and optionally allow those to be displayed as a thumb instead of an image.

Known issues [updated 11/28/2013]
  • BBCode for attachments and media appears in article snippets
  • Slow loading for large images
  • Limit not properly working
  • Defaulted options not properly set and must be set after installation
  • News Article Word Count for Snippet should be
    News Article Character Count for Snippet
Please use this resource discussion for any support questions. I prefer it this way, so others with similar issues can see the answers.
You may also post on my wall or start a conversation with me and I highly suggest doing this, if I am not answering right away.

This add-on costs $6.00 as an opening price. I will change this as features increase.

There is no copyright removal fee, it is brand free from the start.

You may purchase it for a forum you are staff on, but I'd need you to pay and I'd send the script to that forum owner.

This first cost provides you with 12 months of updates. After which you may renew support updates for $5.00/yr. Support is continued and provided as I am available *which is pretty often*.

