[TH] Force Read Admin PC - Xenforo 1

Addon 1x [TH] Force Read Admin PC - Xenforo 1

Compatible XF Versions: 1.4, 1.5

This mod will allow the super admin to force all users to read his/her pc(s). Whenever an user recives a pc(s) from the super admin, they will now be allowed to brose the forum until they have read it/them.

You can exclude a group(s) from this restriction by going to the Group Permisison, clicking the name of the group that you want to exclude and then setting the Exclude from reading admin pm option to Allow. This option can be found under the Conversation Permissions tab.

By default the mod is disabled. To enter the user id of the super admin whose personal converation coming from will force users to read before they browse the forum, go to Options->Threads, Discussions and Conversations->Super Admin ID! (The very last setting in the list)

To have a clearer idea as to what the mod looks like in action, please check out the rest of the attached screenshots.

Thank you for reading this thread :)

  1. TH Force Read Admin PC  Xenforo 1-1.png
  2. TH Force Read Admin PC  Xenforo 1-2.png
  3. TH Force Read Admin PC  Xenforo 1-3.png

