[TH] Keyword Replace

Addon 1x [TH] Keyword Replace

Set replacement rules for user-generated text

Compatible XF Versions: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

[TH] Keyword Replace - Set replacement rules for user-generated text


This add-on allows admins to set specified keywords to be replaced on the forum.

  • Similar to built-in censorship function
  • Define keywords or phrases to be replaced
  • Replace keywords or phrases with:
    • HTML
    • URL
    • Overlay
  • Any user-generated content using a specified keyword or phrase is replaced (only replaces content created after applying the settings)
  • Exclude certain user groups from having their content replaced
  • Option to limit the number of keyword replacements to be made per page
  • Option to limit the number of keyword replacements to be made per word
  • Set the per word limit of replacements individually

We hope the following screenshots will give an insight into how [TH] Keyword Replace can benefit your community:

