User Profile - Prefixed Threads - Xenforo 1

Addon 1x User Profile - Prefixed Threads - Xenforo 1

Compatible XF Versions: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

This add-on allows you to add tabs to user profiles that contain threads they started with a certain prefix. There's no limit to how many you may display.

Admin Panel:

Underneath the "Users" -> "User Customization" navigation menu, you'll see a new link for managing "Prefixed Thread Tabs". This is where you'll be able to view, add, edit, and delete the profile tabs.

User Profile  Prefixed Threads  Xenforo 1-1.png

When creating (or editing) a tab, you just pick the prefix and the title to display as the tab.

User Profile  Prefixed Threads  Xenforo 1-2.png
User Profile  Prefixed Threads  Xenforo 1-3.png

Afterwards, you'll see the list with options to delete or edit.

User Profile  Prefixed Threads  Xenforo 1-4.png

User Profile

And now your prefixed threads tabs display on the user profile.

User Profile  Prefixed Threads  Xenforo 1-5.png

* Add-On development originally sponsored by @electrogypsy of

