WPMU - Defender Security Pro - Wordpress Malware Scanner, Login Security & Firewall

WP Plugins WPMU - Defender Security Pro - Wordpress Malware Scanner, Login Security & Firewall

WPMU  Defender Security Pro  Wordpress Malware Scanner Login Security  Firewall-1.webp

Defender adds the best in WordPress plugin security to your website with just a few clicks. Stop brute force login attacks, SQL injections, cross-site scripting XSS, and other WordPress vulnerabilities and hacks with Defender’s malware scanner, antivirus scans, IP blocking, firewall, activity log, security log, and two-factor authentication (2FA) login security.

No longer do you have to go through hideously complex security settings and get a virtual PhD in security. Defender adds all the hardening and security recommendations you need.

Defender starts with a list of one-click hardening techniques that will instantly add layers of protection and security to your site.

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) – App verification, backup codes, lost device email, WooCommerce 2FA, and Web Authentication
  • Login masking – change the location of WordPress’s default login area
  • Login lockout – failed login attempts lockout
  • Malware scanner – scan WordPress core files for modifications and unexpected changes
  • Security Headers – Add an extra layer of defense security and protect against common attacks like: XSS, code injection, and more
  • 404 Detection – automated block of bot IPs
  • Configs – Create your ideal Defender security settings and export / import saved configs to any other site
  • Geolocation IP lockout – block users based on location and country (IP blocking)
  • WordPress Security Firewall – block or allowlist IPs
  • Disable trackbacks and pingbacks – spam prevention
  • Core and server update recommendations – stay on top of your system
  • Antivirus scan – scan for active security threats and viruses
  • Disable file editor – if they get in, they won’t get far
  • Hide error reporting – don’t reveal your security issues
  • Update security keys – reset on-demand
  • Prevent information disclosure – why tell them what you have
  • Prevent PHP execution – because it’s daaaangerous
  • Resolve security recommendations and issues in bulk
  • Google reCAPTCHA – easy to add, stop fraud and abuse – including BuddyPress and WooCommerce.
  • Pwned Password Check – Protect against compromised passwords.
  • Force Password Reset – Force users with selected roles to reset passwords.
  • User Agent Banning – Block bad bots and user agents from accessing your site.
WPMU  Defender Security Pro  Wordpress Malware Scanner Login Security  Firewall-2.webp

WPMU  Defender Security Pro  Wordpress Malware Scanner Login Security  Firewall-3.webp

