Xon - Flood Permissions - Xenforo 2

Addon 2x Xon - Flood Permissions - Xenforo 2

Addon 2x
Provides user group permissions for the following post rate limiting options:

Recommend Redis flood check for when permission-based flood limits are longer than the 30 seconds.

Thread/Post Permissions;
  • New Thread - Enable Per node rate limiting
  • New Thread - Per node post rate limiting - delay between new threads in seconds
  • New Thread - General rate limiting - delay between new threads in seconds
  • Post Reply - Enable Per thread rate limiting
  • Post Reply - Per thread rate limiting - delay between posts in seconds
  • Post Reply - Enable Per node rate limiting
  • Post Reply - Per node post rate limiting - delay between posts in seconds
  • Post Reply - General rate limiting - delay between posts in seconds
  • React - Enable Per thread rate limiting
  • React - Per thread rate limiting - delay between reacts in seconds
  • React - Enable Per node rate limiting
  • React - Per node post rate limiting - delay between reacts in seconds
  • React - General rate limiting - delay between posts in seconds
  • Delete - Enable Per thread rate limiting
  • Delete - Per thread rate limiting - delay between deleting posts in seconds
  • Delete - Enable Per node rate limiting
  • Delete - Per node post rate limiting - delay between deleting posts in seconds
  • Delete - General rate limiting - delay between posts in seconds

Conversation Permissions;
  • Post Reply - Enable Per conversation rate limiting
  • Post Reply - Per conversation rate limiting - delay between conversation messages in seconds
  • Post Reply - General rate limiting - delay between conversation messages (including new conversations!) in seconds
  • React - Per conversation rate limiting - delay between reacts in seconds
  • React - Enable Per conversation rate limiting
  • React - General rate limiting - delay between reacts in seconds

NixFifty's Ticket Permissions;
  • Post Reply - Enable Per ticket rate limiting
  • Post Reply - Per ticket rate limiting - delay between ticket messages in seconds
  • Post Reply - General rate limiting - delay between ticket messages (including new tickets!) in seconds

This permits the posting/react rate to be managed per node, and per user group. The number is the delay in seconds between posts.

Minimum supported delay is 1 second. A value of zero disables that rate limiter (ie falls through to the next check), and a value of unlimited causes it to be the equivalent of zero seconds delay

This is due to how XenForo permissions inherited with numeric.

The per thread/node option allows decoupling of the global flood limiter from posting in different sections.

Matching order, the first match wins:
  • Per thread rate limiting.
  • Per node rate limiting.
  • General post rate limiting.
The XF global flood check ("Minimum time between messages") is skipped if any of the above matches are configured.
No extra queries required.

