Ztense Torrent tracker Tutorial

Ztense Torrent tracker Tutorial

Easiest Method:

1.Upload all the files in your root forum folder e.g like me my forum in /v2 folder, depend on yours. you going to upload 3 folder xbt, styles and src.


2. Install the 2 addons in your xenforo 2 admin panel.


3.Installing XBT server side, this all binary exist in the xbt folder that we upload with 2 other folder, however we need to install the requirement package to make our server can run XBT server :

To install this required packages you can run the following commands in your server:

Installing the required packages on Debian and Ubuntu

apt install cmake default-libmysqlclient-dev g++ git libboost-dev libsystemd-dev make zlib1g-dev

Installing the required packages on CentOS, Fedora or Red Hat

yum install boost-devel cmake gcc-c++ git make mysql-devel systemd-devel

4. Link the x64 (/usr/lib64) libraries into the x86 (/usr/lib)

ln -s /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient.so /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so
ln -s /usr/lib64/libsystemd.so.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0

5. in xbt/Tracker folder find xbt_tracker.conf open and edit to your XENFORO database username, passwd and xenforo database name. DON'T change the mysql_table_prefix = xftt_ because it's create by xf2 addon XF2 - Torrent Tracker to have a prefix like that in your database.

mysql_host = localhost
mysql_user = mysqluser
mysql_password = mysqlpass
mysql_database = xenforo
mysql_table_prefix = xftt_

6. in xbt/Tracker chmod +x xbt_tracker

chmode +x xbt_tracker

7. Run the xbt tracker server by go into xbt/Tracker


8.VERY IMPORTANT to create .htaccess file to secure the xbt folder and put this code in .htaccess file that you create in the root folder of xbt :

Options All -Indexes

9.To create a category and to start upload torrent you need to create new node/forum and tick it as torrent category.

Other Method :

This method will need u to compile the server by urself and maybe u want to install and run it in different folder. BUT WITH THIS METHOD U NEED TO FIGURE OUT YOURSELF HOW TO MAKE THE XBT TRACKER SERVER USE THE DATABASE FROM ADDON BY YOURSELF.

Using Unix/Linux

The XBT Tracker must be compiled from source on Unix/Linux. You need shell and root access to compile and run XBT Tracker. You also need the following packages:

  • boost-devel
  • mysql-devel
  • gcc-c++ (at least version 7)
  • git

To install this required packages you can run the following commands in your server:

Installing the required packages on Debian and Ubuntu

apt-get install cmake default-libmysqlclient-dev g++ git libboost-dev make zlib1g-dev

Installing the required packages on CentOS, Fedora or Red Hat

dnf install boost-devel cmake gcc-c++ git make mysql-devel systemd-devel

Link the x64 (/usr/lib64) libraries into the x86 (/usr/lib)

ln -s /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient.so /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so
ln -s /usr/lib64/libsystemd.so.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0

Then create a folder in your server and type the following:

git clone https://github.com/OlafvdSpek/xbt
cd xbt/Tracker
cmake .

Ok, now database schema is imported into the database when we install the addon. All that is left is to configure XBTT to use it. To do so, edit the xbt_tracker.conf in the xbt_tracker home directory and use the following (change the values to fit you need. We are going to use the ones from the previous commands), we want the XBT server using the database that the add on create to make the server read the database create by addon :

mysql_host = localhost

mysql_user = mysqluser

mysql_password = mysqlpass

mysql_database = xenforo

mysql_table_prefix = xftt_