vBulletin5.x Latest Threads and Comments Wordpress Plugin

vBulletin5.x Latest Threads and Comments Wordpress Plugin



vBulletin5.x Latest Threads and Comments Wordpress Pluginis a great plugin for wordpress and vBulletin5.x users. This plugin hooks into a vBulletin database and displays vBulletin threads and comments in a WordPress sidebar widget.


  • WordPress/vBulletin integration (vBulletin 5.x).
  • Custom avatars.
  • Creates a trackback link in vBulletin thread to your WordPress widget.
  • Configurable title and limit of threads and comments.
  • Clean & Elegant

B) Installation

1: You can use the built-in installer. OR Download the zip file and extract the contents. Upload the 'vbulletin-latest-threads-comments' folder to your wp directory (wp-content/plugins/).

2: Activate the plugin through the 'wp' menu in WordPress.

C) Settings

For Admin vBulletin Setting

  1. Goto "Settings" > "vBulletin Setting" and review the settings
  2. Add Your vBulletin forum URL, DB Username, DB Password, DB Prefix(if have) and Hostname.
  3. Select your vBulletin Version.
  4. Click Save.
For vBulletin Widget Setting

  1. Goto "Appearance -> Widgets > "vBulletin latest threads comments"
  2. Add Title and limit
  3. Click Save.


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